Dwyane Wade Testifies in Custody Dispute, Expresses Regret

On behalf of The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C. posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NBA star of the Miami Heat, Dwyane Wade, may be taking it easy on the court after a hamstring injury, but he has played an aggressive center position in court. Wade testified for six hours in family court on Friday and continued his testimony on Monday concerning the custody of his two children, ages 8 and 3.

Wade was awarded “physical possession” of his two young sons this past June but they continue to live with their mother. While on the stand, Wade admitted that he had several regrets when it came to the dissolution of his marriage with his high school sweetheart. The basketball star admitted that he wished he had worked harder to rebuild and heal the relationship. “I take a lot of responsibility,” he said. “I would have taken it a different way. I would have (sought) professional help…I fell that I could have (done) it in a professional way, get professional help, get family therapy.”

After expressing his regrets with the couple’s stormy relationship past, he said that he was willing to work with the court to ensure that his ex-wife would be able to have equitable visitation rights. Wade discussed the changes the custody battle has caused in him personally and in his relationship with his wife and children. Prior to filing his request for sole custody of his children in July, visitation with the children had been erratic, attributing some of the irregularity to actions of his former wife. Wade testified that since filing his request, he has communicated with his children daily on the phone and visits them regularly.

Source: Star Tribune “Wade testifies in custody battle, says he wishes he’d sought help before marriage dissolved” 10/19/10

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