Creve Coeur & O'Fallon, MO Divorce Attorneys
Few events in life hurt as much as the breakup of a relationship, a marriage, and a family. Emotionally, it can be very traumatic to separate from one you have loved and worked to build a life with together, believing it would last.
But when relationships end, tending to our emotions is the least of our problems. The law gives special sanction to marriage, including a host of benefits. The law also extends to the end of a marriage, at which point it must untangle all of those accumulated benefits.
The breakup of any relationship usually finds you at a rather vulnerable and intemperate point in your life. Everything related to that relationship becomes magnified and intensified. Sometimes, having the ability to make calm decisions about your future may seem impossible. Worse, making decisions in the heat of the moment can have catastrophic consequences with regard to custody, property and support.
If you find yourself contemplating the end of a marriage or suddenly thrust into the end of a marriage, you should seek legal counsel immediately. A decision of such significant impact requires the best advice, advice only an experienced and skilled family law practitioner can provide.
Whether you are the party seeking to initiate a legal proceeding or the party who just got served with papers, the legal issues you must confront remain the same – what will we do about the children? How will we divide up our assets? How will we make sure each of us has sufficient financial resources to move forward? Only an experienced and skilled divorce attorney can explain to you the different issues and outcomes unique to your circumstances.
When two people choose to end their relationship, they can do so in a temporary or permanent fashion. The permanent method, the dissolution of marriage or divorce, means that the two people believe their marriage is irretrievably broken and cannot be preserved. The temporary method, the legal separation, means that two people want to live apart but the possibility of salvaging the marriage remains. In either case, the legal issues relating to custody, property and support remain the same, and you must act quickly to assert and protect your interests.
At The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C, we have over fifty years of combined experience handling divorces and legal separations in the city of St. Louis, MO. We help individuals deal with many complex matters, including:
- Divorce, including High Asset Divorce
- Divorce Over 50
- Legal Separation
- Child Custody
- Spousal Support (Maintenance)
- Child Support
- Marital Property Division
- Post-Divorce Modification
- Post-Divorce Enforcement (Contempt)
- Paternity
- Custodial Parent Relocation
- Orders of Protection (Restraining Orders)
- Military Divorce
- International Child Abduction
The Marks Law Firm got me through my divorce promptly and competently. Everyone in the office was always professional and sensitive, downright welcoming. It was never difficult to get in touch with my attorney and all my questions were answered patiently. High quality representation.
Time To Act
Time is of the essence. As soon as you select The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C. to represent you, we will immediately put our considerable experience and resources to work on your case. The sooner we can review the necessary information, the sooner we can formulate a strategy for your unique circumstances, helping to ensure the best possible outcome.
Contact The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C.
Send us an email or call us at 314-993-6300 for an initial consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys.
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