Kids in the Middle Creates Site Just for Kids

It seems an understatement to say that children have the most difficulty during and after a divorce.  The family and the home they shared as a single unit has broken into two separate households and parents still seem angry.  Even in the best of circumstances and the most understanding of parents, children need time, space and help to process the changes.  Yes, children are resilient and can adapt, but that does not mean it happens seamlessly.

Often children do not want to upset their parents and vocalize their feelings of frustration, anger, discontent and anxiety.  They will decline help to keep up the façade of being okay or because they do not want to feel as if they are the problem.

Into this void, Kids in the Middle, an organization that has long provided resources for families in divorce, has developed a new resource – an online site that is just for kids going through divorce.

The site allows kids of all ages to access resources independently and to participate in online chats with similarly situated kids in mediated discussions with experts from Kids in the Middle staff.  Eventually these connections may lead kids to in-person groups at their local Kids in the Middle office, but too many cities do not have such a wonderful place, so the online portal is a vital need.

We have an excellent branch of Kids in the Middle in St. Louis, and we encourage parents to take advantage of its many resources.  The more parents understand the impact of divorce through the eyes of their children, the more they will be able to help their children.

If you have questions about Kids in the Middle and the divorce process, contact us – we can help.

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