Research shows brides with wedding doubts more likely to divorce

On behalf of The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C posted in Divorce on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New research shows that brides who have doubts about getting married are more likely to end up getting a divorce, according to a media source.

“People think everybody has premarital doubts and you don’t have to worry about them,” one of the study’s authors said in a statement. “We found they are common but not benign. Newlywed wives who had doubts about getting married before their wedding were two-and-a-half times more likely to divorce four years later than wives without these doubts.”

The study also shows that among couples still married after four years, and who were plagued by doubts on their wedding day, they express less satisfaction with their marriage than those who didn’t have doubts on the big day.

As always, studies about marriage are to be taken with a grain of salt. They express findings about groups of people, not individuals.

Nevertheless, this study might spark interesting discussions of the value of intuition and instinct, among other things.

The UCLA researchers interviewed 232 Los Angeles couples during their first months of marriage and then did follow-ups every six months over the next four years.

In the initial interviews, newlyweds were asked if they were “uncertain or hesitant about getting married.” Nearly half of the men (47 percent) said yes, compared with 38 percent of the women.

While men expressed more doubts, the women were better predictors of troubles to come.

Of the women who expressed doubts about getting married, 19 percent were divorced four years later. Of those women who had no doubts, just eight percent were divorced after four years.

For the men, 14 percent of those who had doubts were divorced after four years and nine percent of those without doubts wound up divorced.

Our Missouri law firm handles divorces and other family law matters. For more information, visit our St. Louis divorce page.

Source: Fox News, “Bride’s ‘cold feet’ may be an indication of divorce,” Sept. 17, 2012

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