St. Louis Rams owner might buy baseball team sold after messy divorce

On behalf of The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C. posted in Divorce on Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It began back in 2004 with Frank and Jamie McCourt buying one of baseball’s storied franchises, telling the world that “family ownership has returned.” Eight years later, the couple has gone through a bitter, costly divorce that might ultimately deliver their prized possession into the hands of St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke.

Back in the day, however, the baseball-loving couple was all smiles. With their four sons, they were going to revive the Los Angeles Dodgers.

For awhile, it seemed as if they were delivering on their promise: the team made the playoffs four times in the first six years of the McCourts’ ownership.

When the couple announced their separation in 2009, the smiles were gone, replaced by a promise that the impending divorce would not be a debacle like the one that had laid low the San Diego Padres owner forced to sell his team after a marital split.

Unfortunately, for fans of the Dodgers, that promise was kept: the Dodger debacle was even splashier and messier than the one in San Diego.

Attorneys for the couple quickly found copies of their agreement that said Frank owned the Dodgers, as well as copies of an agreement that said Frank did not own the Dodgers.

After an 11-day trial last year, a judge threw out the agreement that said Frank owned the team.

The team eventually wound up in bankruptcy court with Frank McCourt and Major League Baseball hurling accusations at one another.

Frank also fired Jamie as Dodgers CEO; the pink slip included allegations of an affair, insubordination, failure to follow procedures and other accusations.

The couple eventually came to an agreement: Jamie would get $131 million and relinquish her claims to a share of the Dodgers. Frank would get the team, but he would be forced by his enormous debts to sell it.

One of the final three bidders for the Dodgers is St. Louis Rams owner Kroenke. The sale is to be finalized on April 30, according to reports. Coincidentally, that’s also the day Frank is scheduled to write that $131 million check to his former wife.

Source: ESPN: “Report: Dodgers bidders down to 3,” March 23, 2012

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