On behalf of The Marks Law Firm, L.L.C posted in Child Custody on Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The new year has just begun — the new school year, that is. For children and their parents, it’s a time of adjustments, especially for children and parents who have gone through a divorce.
For divorced parents who have seen the quality of their relationship with their child diminish, this is a good time to revitalize that relationship and hold on to who’s most important to you.
A recent article on the Huffington Post website by an author who has written about parenting after divorce listed some ways in which parents can focus on and fix relationships with their kids.
Different measurements: rather than measuring your time with your child by minutes, hours and days, instead try thinking of it in terms of the quality of the time together. Focus on that quality rather than the quantity.
Creative reawakening: be creative in how you refresh and maintain your relationship by doing things that are in the best interests of your daughter or son (drive them to school programs, accompany them to practice, drop them off at friends’ houses, etc.). In this way, you can get to know them and their friends and understand how their the pieces of their lives and interests fit together.
Calendar: creating a calendar that lists the events in their lives — school functions, sporting events, plays, etc. — shows them that you care and are interested throughout the year.
Introspection: if you’ve found your child withdrawn from you, take a look inside to see what you’ve done and are doing that contributed to the withdrawal. Are you putting your needs ahead of theirs? Have you pulled them into disputes with your former spouse? If so, talk to a professional who can help you make needed adjustments to become a better, more stable and supportive parent.
For more information about our St. Louis family law firm, please visit our child custody page.
Source: Huffington Post, “Don’t Let Divorce Destroy Your Relationship with Your Kids,” Sept. 6, 2012