Post-Divorce Estate Planning
As you go through the divorce process, many issues will be decided and come to a close, while other items, such as Child Support and Child Custody will continue on into the future. One item that will need to be addressed now, but will take place in the future is Estate Planning. In other words, what will happen when you or your former spouse dies and in particular, what will happen to your respective personal assets.
Clients frequently wonder how they can ensure that certain parts of their estates will go exclusively to their children without their former spouse having the ability to access or manage these funds. Or, is it possible to award a house to your child without that child having to fight your former spouse for it? Can you provide for your child’s college education without your former spouse having any access to or management of these funds?
These and other similar questions, when addressed completely at the time of divorce can provide security for your children in the future.